
Endpoints are the core of any Lighter application. They allow the application to interact with the outside world. In Lighter, endpoints are methods that are identified using an endpoint annotation. In the current MVP version of Lighter the endpoint annotations are @Get, @Post, @Put, and @Delete. Each of these annotations corresponds to an HTTP method.

Endpoints must always return a Response. See the Response API docs page for details about constructing responses.

Endpoint Annotations

All of the endpoint annotations have the same API. Each one has an optional value field which can be used to define a path template stub that the endpoint method should respond to. The full path template that defines the endpoint is constructed by prepending the endpoint’s Resource Controller path stub to the stub provided in the endpoint annotation. See more about this in the Resource Contollers section below.

In order to handle HTTP requests, Lighter matches the request method and path against the set of endpoint methods and path templates in the application. Method parameters are fulfilled by path parameters, query parameters, and the request body.

Resource Controllers

Every endpoint method must be a member of a @ResourceController annotated class. Resource Controllers are plain Java classes. Resource Controllers must specify a path template stub that will be prepended to all of their members. This is useful as it avoids the necessity of rewriting parts of a the template multiple times for related endpoints.

Resource Controllers will be instaintiated by Lighter. Thus, they must be instaintiable by the InjectionObjectFactory. See the docs page on the Injection API for details.

Path Template Syntax

Path template syntax is similar to other web frameworks. Templates can contains three types of components: Normal, Parameter, and Wildcard. Normal components match components exactly equal to themsevles. A path template made of only Normal components would match only paths that are identical to it. Parmaeter components will match anything and bind it to the provided name. Parmaeters are denoted by surrounding a name with { and }. Every parameter as a type which is inferred from the method signature. Wildcard components are denoted by a * and greedly match any number of components.

Here are some examples:

The template foo/bar/123 will match
exactly the path foo/bar/123 and nothing else.
The template foo/bar/{id} will match
any path with exactly 3 components that begins with foo/bar/. The third component of the path will be bound to the name “id”.
The template foo/bar/* will match
any path that begins with foo/bar/.
The template foo/*/bar will match
any path that begins with foo and ends with bar

Query Parameters

HTTP query parameter bindinds can be specified in a similar way to path Parmaeter components. However, query parameters do not appear as part of the path template. Instead, the @QueryParameters annotation is used to provide a list of name bindings. Since the names of query parameters are exposed as part of the applications API, Lighter allows external and internal names of query parameters to differ. The external (exposed) name is what HTTP calls should use. The internal (mapped) name should match the name of the parameter on the Java endpoint method.

Query parmaeter names are specified using an array of Strings. Exposed names and mapped names are seperated by a :. If only one name is provided, Lighter assumes the exposed name is identical to the mapped name.

Here are some examples:

The parameter foo:bar specifies
an exposed name foo which maps to a parameter on the Java method named bar
The parameter foo specifies
an exposed name foo which maps to a parmaeter on the Java method named foo

Similar to path Parameters, query parameter types are inferred from the Java method.

Accessing the Request Body

The request body content can be mapped to any method parameter by annotating it with @Body. The type of the body content is infered from the method.

Parameter Type Inference

All endpoint parameter types are inferred from the Java method signature. Any Java type can be used as long as the application TypeAdapterFactory is capable of producing a TypeAdater for the type. Query and path parameters are assumed to have a MIME Media Type of text/plain. The Media Type of the request body is determined by the Content-Type header.

If a method parameter is optional (i.e. an error should not occur if Lighter can not provide data for the parameter), it should have a type of java.util.Optional (or one of the allied Optional types provided in the standard library). Since Lighter performs type inference at compile time, it is able to use the generic type parameter of Optional for serialization and deserialization logic.

Lighter will never provide a null value for a method parameter. If a non-Optional parameter can not be provided for any reason, Lighter will throw an error.